Sunday, 18 September 2011

swings and roundabouts

Well i have not had much of an Indian summer, Im down about $9k in cash games online this month and probably over $10k if you include MTT's. I took a few days off this week as i struggle to motivate myself to grind when im downswinging. Its funny in the early days i used to book wins alot and grind heavily when i was losing, now it seems i grind hard when im winning and loss heart/cut my losses when i sense im struggling. One problem i need to cut out is grinding a little to long when im losing. Generally my sessions are 500-700 hands 6 tabling when my mindset is sound, however i do grind longer to try and get even usually playing 1k-1500 hands and its amazing how both my results and red line are so much worse towards the back end of sessions.

Luckily the day after my previous blog i had a remarkable session at the Vic, i was grinding £2/5 until a seat opened in a juicy £5/10/25 game opened. There was two spots in the game and luckily i ran hot and booked a £11.4k win. The game was unlikely any i haev played in recent history, both these players were playing every hand and 3betting over half, so although it was a great game i had to tighten up a little preflop to avoid opening/peeling 3bets too wide, or raise folding, when you know they won't let up on any street.

Theres some live MTT's at the Vic, so i'll likely play the £500 6max on wednesday and the ME (£1070) next weekend. I think online i'll take it abit easier and start adding some HU tables so i start winning some money. Looking towards EPT London i think i'll probably not be playing unless i bink something, i've got alot of outgoings coming up with travelling plans to finalise. I'll probably look to buy a few pieces of friends who are playing.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

The bubble has burst

September hasn't been a kind mistress thus far. Im down about $6k in cash games and had no real results apart from a min cash in the 6max WCOOP. Ive ran pretty bad but what was most worrying was tilting off a few stacks this afternoon which was reckless and something i haven't done since well before Vegas, its pretty immature and something i shouldn't have in my system since ive been playing over 4 years. Despite this i played the WCOOP HU, which tbf is probably not the worst competition to play tilted but i bust in round 3 which was disappointing, 4bet jamming 60bb's with dueces vs a 25% 3betting range getting snapped off by KQs (I think we all know theres only one winner here). I think im going to take a few days off from online and play some live cash, luckily i don't really tilt live probably because im far to self-consicous.

I've also decided to give up online mtt's for the short-medium term. Basically i can't be bothered with them and am unsure if i have an edge. I've never put in time or effort to learn anything about them and until i do, i think its irresponisble to keep punting off and not learning anything. I will play WCOOP 6 max and HU comps as i feel i have a legitimate edge in these comps as they are games im familar with. I'll also continue to play sat's for live events, i think i might do okay in live Mtt's since the fields are generally weaker and the structures are better/deeper than online which will suit my game. Its probably no coincedence that the event i finalled in Vegas i played had a 2hr clock and 60+bb average stack throughout the comp and on the final was 90bb+. It was also just about the toughest competition ive ever played live.

Looking towards the coming months it looks like hopefully i'll be getting a tan this winter! plans are been put in motion and from Mid-November i'll be going to Hongkong>Macau>Manila>New Zealand>Sydney>Melbourne>Dubai. I think myself and Ben Jenkins are going for the whole trip, with Ellwood/Spinks joining for new year in Sydney and the Aussie millions. Im pretty excited, i think we intend to play APPT Macau and Manilla as they should be good events in fascinating locations. After that a poker free 2 weeks in New Zealand in early December with hopefully some outdoor activities followed by Xmas/New year in Sydney.

Since i won't get back till maybe sometime in February i've decided not to live in London next year. London's expensive and since i don't intend to be in England more than 8 months next year it's probably more prudent to get a place in Newcastle where i could live like a king for 1/2 the price. I've felt a little stagnated been down here since i've returned and so moving up north between february and Vegas next year (May time) will given me time enough to decide where i want go from there. Another reason for moving north is to look into getting on the property ladder. Buying down here is impossible at the moment, so i'd like to go lower risk and look into buying a 2 bedroom property in Newcastle or Durham. If i really like it and the location suited me i'd consider living in it, but its more likely im looking at buying to-let. I currently know very little so i need to a) make good money over the 6 months so i have a decent roll for the games i play b) do some serious research. I might try and purchase some books for when im travelling, although im unsure if books are really a source of information for this sort of thing. If anyone has any tips/helpful knowledge i'd be eternally grateful.

gl at the tbls