Well i have not had much of an Indian summer, Im down about $9k in cash games online this month and probably over $10k if you include MTT's. I took a few days off this week as i struggle to motivate myself to grind when im downswinging. Its funny in the early days i used to book wins alot and grind heavily when i was losing, now it seems i grind hard when im winning and loss heart/cut my losses when i sense im struggling. One problem i need to cut out is grinding a little to long when im losing. Generally my sessions are 500-700 hands 6 tabling when my mindset is sound, however i do grind longer to try and get even usually playing 1k-1500 hands and its amazing how both my results and red line are so much worse towards the back end of sessions.
Luckily the day after my previous blog i had a remarkable session at the Vic, i was grinding £2/5 until a seat opened in a juicy £5/10/25 game opened. There was two spots in the game and luckily i ran hot and booked a £11.4k win. The game was unlikely any i haev played in recent history, both these players were playing every hand and 3betting over half, so although it was a great game i had to tighten up a little preflop to avoid opening/peeling 3bets too wide, or raise folding, when you know they won't let up on any street.
Theres some live MTT's at the Vic, so i'll likely play the £500 6max on wednesday and the ME (£1070) next weekend. I think online i'll take it abit easier and start adding some HU tables so i start winning some money. Looking towards EPT London i think i'll probably not be playing unless i bink something, i've got alot of outgoings coming up with travelling plans to finalise. I'll probably look to buy a few pieces of friends who are playing.
Back in the game
1 year ago