Monday, 16 March 2009

Up she goes!

So March so far has been kind to me and pretty similar to how Febuary went. Up just under $6k with 1/2 the month left so the plan is to basically put in another 20k hands (15k-$1/2 5k $2/4) before starting April only playing 2/4. Feel like im playin well but is probably due to running good and feeling confident.Im also well over 1/2 clearing the $4k stars bonus so should hopefully get there by the end of the month, which is a great incentive to put in the hands.

Here are a few hands ive played this month: This was my biggest pot of the month. Didnt like the turn card so i bet a fishy 1/2 pot as i wasn't sure what to do, although in hindsight i think checking behind can be ok too, when considering getting value out of his range which is unlikely to be happy with the turn card. Gin on the river tho! Soul read! FPS turning my hand into a bluff

Dont really have any interesting losing hands. Mostly just coolers or getting setmined by tagfish in 3bet pots. Happy days!


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